Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


The idea behind CT-Composites library was conceived in 2020 at a research event organised by EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub. We aimed to share the wealth of CT scans of composites scattered between several composites research groups in the UK. However, we immediately faced a question of completeness of the sample descriptions. The initial funding was secured to support two summer placement students to work on the first prototype of the directory. Further funding was provided by EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub in 2024 to bring this directory online. The format to capture composites-specific metadata along with other metadata was developed by the core team with the support from many collaborators who are acknowledge below. The metadata template is not "static". It is intended to develop it further to ensure that the data can be appropriately re-used. We will maintain the backward compatibility as much as possible.

Team and collaborator

Core team and developers

  • Dr Mikhail Matveev – University of Nottingham (co-lead)
  • Dr Louise Brown – University of Nottingham (co-lead)
  • Prof. Stephen Hallett – University of Bristol (collaborator)
  • Jonathan Couldridge – University of Nottingham (website development and coordination)
  • Moiz Iqbal – University of Nottingham (website development)
  • Brian Kimani – University of Nottingham (website development)

Past members:

  • Mr Jacob Simpson – University of Nottingham (directory prototype)
  • Pok Lam Marvin Mau – University of Bristol (directory prototype)

Collaborators and contributors:

  • Dr Vincent Maes – UoB
  • Dr Yang Chen – Bath
  • Dr Prof. Yentl Swolfs – KU Leuven
  • Dr Guy Lawrence – UoN
  • Dr Guilliam Cougenat
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